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Posté le:
4/5/2023 01:21
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How to take Bing quizzes ?
There are two options available to you if you want to take these quizzes. The first step is to complete the Bing Homepage quiz, which can be found on Bing Homepage Quiz. As soon as you log in, the quiz, denoted by a higher Q, will appear directly beneath the search bar. These tests are made up at random and can cover any topic. In most cases, they match the background image. Bing Test. The other choice is to take the standard quizzes. They can be found in the Bing Fun section. You can take a variety of quizzes here by category. Do you enjoy animals? Music? Celebrities? Science and nature? In these quizzes, you can find anything you want, and you can search for one that you really like.

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