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Posté le:
21/12/2024 10:42
Sujet du message:
How to play Purble Pairs in Purble Place

Purble Pairs is a mini-game in Purble Place, helping you practice your memory and observation skills. This game is very interesting and suitable for all ages.
How to play Purble Pairs in purble place:
• Find all pairs of identical pictures on the board.
How to play:
• Step 1: A table with image boxes facing down will appear on the screen.
• Step 2: You need to flip the boxes to find pairs of similar pictures. Each time you flip two tiles, if they are the same, they will disappear. Otherwise, they will turn face down.
• Step 3: Continue flipping the boxes until you find all pairs of identical shapes on the board.
Play tips:
• Try to remember the position of the images when you turn them over.
• Concentrate and observe carefully to find pairs of shapes quickly.
Purble Pairs not only helps you entertain but also trains your memory and concentration. Wish you have fun! If you have any other questions, let me know!

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